This is the most wonderful time of the year for college students! Many of us have yearned for winter break since the beginning of this semester. Unfortunately, we must tackle finals exams before leaving! I want to share some tips to help alleviate your anxiety so that you can conquer finals week.
1. Finding a study environment is the most important aspect of effective studying. I understand the material and accomplish more by studying in an academic atmosphere. Going to the library or in your College’s building might help you focus more. It helps me cancel out all distractions and maintain my train of thought.
2. Find out your best study time. If you don’t like staying up late, I would recommend studying during the day because you will be more alert. I enjoy writing papers at night when everyone is sleeping because it makes me feel like I am not missing anything. However, I have to do math during the day when I am more attentive. Finding what works best for you and dedicating your more difficult tasks to these study times will help you maximize your time.
3. Scheduling breaks in between studying helps release some of my tension and helps me focus when I return to my work. Many students go into information overload while studying for various subjects due to stress. I usually study for 1 ½ hours and then take a 30 minute break. At the end of the day you can have 12 hours of studying completed by using this system!
4. After studying I always recite the information that I have learned to a friend. Reciting the information to another person lets me know what I still need to work on. Narrating the information with a student in the same class helps even more.
5. Getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy will also give you more energy to prepare for finals.
6. I make sure that I implement a “don’t sweat the small stuff” attitude. It is easy to let pressure get the best of you during finals week. Acing our finals should be our main focus and we cannot let the petty issues get the best of us.
After you have studied the best you can, get your confidence up because you will have completed your first semester of college! I wish you the best of luck next week!