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Monday, November 19, 2012

Ode to Freshman Year

Ode to your freshman year, that has already started and is currently in full swing.

Ode to move in day, where you packed up life and crammed it into your room that you share with a stranger.

Ode to the dining halls, that feed your cravings, provide the backdrop for meetings and social gatherings.

Ode to the football games, where you see the UNT pride at its fullest.

Ode to Willis Library, where productivity and distractions collide, to make long nights and great papers.

Ode to the Chat, where a Chick-fil-a sandwich and the One O’clock lab band provide a mid-day dinner and a show.

Ode to the Library mall, where someone is protesting, someone is fundraising and someone is offering giveaways.

Ode to the laundry room and the person that did not take their laundry out of the dryer.

Ode to the bookstore and their plethora of UNT gear.

Ode to the buses and the convince they add from getting to the other side of campus quicker.

Ode to Twitter, where #UNT16 is always trending.

Ode to the Rec Center, where calories burn energy and help run the machines; and where one-on-one basketball can be played with the most competitive of students.

Ode to Champs and the bigger drinking cups.

Ode to the NTDaily, that keeps us informed about UNT matters and National news.

Ode to Eagle Connect, that alerts us of all events happening on campus and the occasionally junk mail.

Ode to our parents , whom we forget to call but remember to text for money.

Ode to this semester that is drawing to a close much faster than we expected. We’ve learned, grown and experienced more than we can image.

Ode to next spring 2013, may it be ever more eventful than the fall.



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